Topology, Algebra, and
Categories in Logic 2013
in conjunction with the 28th annual Shanks Lectures


Conference: July 28 - August 1, 2013
(to be held in Wilson Hall; Rooms 103 and 126)

Summer School: July 24 - 27, 2013
(to be held in the Mathematics Building
of Stevenson Center Complex; Room 1307)


Online pre-registration is now closed.

On-site registration for the 2013 TACL Summer School and Shanks Lectures will be held in the lobby of Stevenson Center 1 (Math Building) from July 24-26 and in the lobby of Wilson Hall from July 27-August 1. All participants must check in with the registration staff to receive their name badge and conference packet. For anyone who has not pre-registered, only cash or checks will be accepted for the registration fee.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of Summer School and conference. On the following days, registration will be available prior to each session and during coffee breaks. It is important that you register as soon as possible upon arrival in order to receive conference information.

For participants and speakers who receive travel expense reimbursement, original itemized receipts showing proof of payment must be provided. Pre-addressed envelopes will be available to mail receipts at a later time if needed. International individuals need to bring copies of their travel documents to the registration table if they have not already been submitted.