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The main goal of this meeting is to foster collaboration among researchers in the area of Many-valued Logic, and to promote communication and cooperation with researchers on related topics.
The featured topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Proof systems for fuzzy logics: Hilbert, Gentzen, natural deduction, tableaux, resolution, computational complexity, etc.
- Algebraic semantics: residuated lattices, MTL-algebras, BL-algebras, MV-algebras, Abstract Algebraic Logic, functional representation, etc.
- First-order fuzzy logics: axiomatisations, arithmetical hierarchy, model theory, etc.
- Applied fuzzy logical calculi: foundations of logical programming, logic-based reasoning about similarity, description logics, etc.
The conference's scientific programme includes invited lectures and contributed talks.
Researchers whose interests fit these general aims are encouraged to participate.
The conference is organised by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Salerno
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The funds to organise the conference are made available by:
- The PRIN 2008 project, co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Research;
- The IRSES 2009 project, co-funded by the European Commission within "Marie Curie" actions of the Seventh Framework Programme;
- the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Salerno.
For further information please contact:
asuv2011 at unisa dot it