
TACL Summer School

15 – 19 June 2015, Campus of the University of Salerno

TACL brings together different disciplines with the goal of exploring problems in logic. Partly due to the success of the TACL conference series, researchers have started employing tools used outside their immediate areas, either individually or in collaboration with specialists in research fields featured in the series. Such interactions have also naturally lead to new directions that combine ideas from two or more research fields.

This has been a gradual and arduous process and TACL can boast of having participants that are at least somewhat familiar with most of the featured areas. However, young researchers and students who attend the conference and work in TACL fields have a more restricted and specialized repertoire of tools and knowledge. The goal of the summer school is to fill the gap and expose such researchers to a variety of methods that can be used to study logic. It will primarily target graduate students and postdocs, but also more senior researchers who are not familiar with aspects of neighboring areas. The summer school will run during the five working days preceding the conference and will feature four daily tutorials, each of duration 1.5 hours.

Click here for the descriptions of the courses.  The lecturers of the school will be

Guram Bezhanishvili

Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University)

course title: “Frames, topologies, and duality theory

Click on the above link for the videos of the lectures.

Warwick Grant

Brian Davey (La Trobe University)

course title: “An invitation to natural dualities in general and Priestley duality in particular”

Click on the above link for the videos of the lectures.

Ieke Moerdijk

Ieke Moerdijk (Nijmegen University)

course title: “From algebraic topology to algebraic set theory

Click on the above link for the videos of the lectures.

Luke Ong

Luke Ong (Oxford University)

course title: “Automata, Logic and Games for Higher-Order Model Checking

Click on the above link for the videos of the lectures.